Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. phil. Julia Ließneck

Position: External Postdoctoral Fellow
Kontakt: julia.liessneckuni-rostockde
Fields of interest:
- diversity education and feminist pedagogy
- classroom and school development
- international education and foreign aid
- Education for Sustainable Development
2020 – present Habilitation in feminist pedagogy and international education, University of Rostock
2020 – present Primary School Teacher at German International School Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
2020 Ph.D. in diversity education and school development, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
2020 Second State Teaching Exam, at Teacher Training Institute Bernau and NG Glienicke Highschool, near Berlin
2016 – 2018 Primary and Middle School Teacher at the German International School Doha
2016 First State Teaching Exam in Education, Latin Philology, Geography, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
2015 – 2016 Primary School Teacher for German as a Foreign Language at Sandhaus Primary School, Berlin
2014 – 2015 Primary and Middle School Teacher at the German International School Doha, Qatar
Ließneck, Julia (2020): Inklusiv und exklusiv? Inklusion an einer Deutschen Auslandsschule. Ergon.
Talks and workshops
02/2020 “Enhancing your students’ multilingual and academic language skills’” (« Sprachförderung: Bildungssprache und Mehrsprachigkeit ») presentation to teacher trainees (Bernau, Germany)
01/2020 “Design Thinking as an educational approach” (« D.T. in Unterricht und Unterrichtsentwicklung ») three-day training for teachers of German International Schools (Dubai, U.A.E.)
12/2019 “Implementing Design Thinking in your classroom” (« Design Thinking im Unterricht ») workshop for teacher trainees (Bernau, Germany)
11/2019 “Schools: Making systemic change happen” presentation with Nils Reubke at OEB online educa conference for digital teaching & learning (Berlin, Germany)
09/2019 “Beyond your horizon? Teaching in a German School Abroad” (« Arbeit an einer Deutschen Auslandsschule ») presentation to teacher trainees (Bernau, Germany)
08/2019 “Re-designing schools – Design thinking Workshop“ (« Design-Thinking-Werkstatt - Schulen gestalten ») three-day training for scholarship holders of the Foundation of German Business (Berlin, Germany)
05/2019 “Participative school development and Education for Sustainable Development” (« BNE und partizipative Schulentwicklung ») workshop for teacher students at the University of Leipzig (Leipzig, Germany)
04/2018 “Securing practices of inclusion” (« Inklusive Praxis sichern ») three-day training for teachers of inclusive German International Schools (Doha, Qatar)
10/2013 “International school education in comparison” («Schulische Bildung im internationalen Vergleich ») three-day training for scholarship holders of the Foundation of German Business (Cologne, Germany)